Hello Friend,

My name is Jocilyn Sorenson. I am honored to have you stop by. I am here to help you tell your story, but first, allow me to tell you mine.

Once upon a time, when I was eight years old, I came to the great United States of America. I was a Guatemalan native with a full Spanish vocabulary and very little knowledge of the world around me. Along with my two biological siblings, I was adopted into an American family of 5 and immersed into the culture.

It was in America that I learned about “Dreams” and “Dreaming”. I had never thought about an existence outside of what I knew in Guatemala - I didn’t know I could. Though our stories did not begin so easy, it remains abundantly clear to me that we were given the gift of a lifetime - opportunity.


I heard it said once, “Not everyone gets an equal start, but everyone gets an opportunity to run the race.”

So you see? Maybe it’s not about how we began as much as it is about how we choose to move forward? We don’t get the chance to write our beginnings, but I know we have power in determining how our stories end. With this knowledge, I dream of telling our stories with power & grace through beautiful & compelling imagery. I dream of partnering with businesses that bring light to this world and individuals who take life by the reins. After all, life is not a dress rehearsal, this is the final act. It would be my honor to capture the precious moments of your story as you write it and tell it, too.

Sincerely & with love,

- Jocilyn Sorenson

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. -Jeremiah 29:11